
Asthma and Bronchiectasis

Serdar Balcı

Asthma and Bronchiectasis

Serdar BALCI, MD


Intermittent and reversible airway obstruction

Chronic bronchial inflammation with eosinophils

Bronchial smooth muscle cell hypertrophy and hyperreactivity

Increased mucus secretion

Robbins Basic Pathology

Accumulation of mucus in the bronchial lumen

Increase in the number of mucus-secreting goblet cells

Basement membrane is thickened

Intense chronic inflammation

Eosinophils, macrophages,T H 2 lymph

Smooth muscle cells hypertrophy and hyperplasia

Hypertrophy of submucosal glands

Robbins Basic Pathology

Inhaled allergens start T H 2-dominated response

IgE production

Eosinophil recruitment

Priming or sensitization

Robbins Basic Pathology


Immediate reaction

Antigen-induced cross-linking of IgE bound to IgE receptors on mast cells

Release preformed mediators

Late Phase

Robbins Basic Pathology

Robbins Basic Pathology


Atopic Asthma

Non-Atopic Asthma

Drug-Induced Asthma

Occupational Asthma


Markedly expanded lungs

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Mucous plugs fill and occlude the bronchi

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

sub-basement membrane fibrosis, eosinophilic inflammation, and smooth muscle hyperplasia



Permanent dilation of bronchi and bronchioles

Bronchiectasis in bronchial obstruction

Tumors, foreign bodies, and occasionally impaction of mucus

Localized to the obstructed lung segment

Complicate atopic asthma and chronic bronchitis

Bronchiectasis in cystic fibrosis

Obstruction caused by the secretion of abnormally viscid mucus

Predisposing to infections of the bronchial tree

Robbins Basic Pathology

Cystic fibrosis

Extensive mucous plugging and dilation of the tracheobronchial tree

Robbins Basic Pathology

Robbins Basic Pathology

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Robbins Basic Pathology

Cystic fibrosis

Bronchiectasis in immunodeficiency

Immunoglobulin deficiencies

Increased susceptibility to repeated bacterial infections

Bronchiectasis in Kartagener syndrome

Bronchiectasis in infections
