Serdar Balcı

Cerebrovascular diseases
Serdar BALCI, MD
Central Nervous System
- Rigid skull and spinal canal
- Specific foramina
- Advantage of protection
- But cannot expand
- generalized cerebral edema, hydrocephalus, mass lesions, tumors

Cerebral Edema
- Accumulation of excess fluid within the brain parenchyma
- Vasogenic edema
- Integrity of the normal blood-brain barrier is disrupted
- Fluid shift from the vascular compartment into the extracellular
spaces of the brain
- Localized
- increased vascular permeability due to inflammation, tumors
- Generalized
- Cytotoxic edema
- Increase in intracellular fluid
- Neuronal and glial cell membrane injury
- Generalized hypoxic-ischemic insult, exposure to some toxins

Edematous brain
Softer than normal
Appears to “over fill” the cranial vault
In generalized edema gyri are flattened, the intervening sulci are
narrowed, and the ventricular cavities are compressed
Robbins Basic Pathology

Cerebral edema
Gyri are flattened as a result of compression of the expanding brain
by the dura mater and inner surface of the skull. Such changes are
associated with a dangerous increase in intracranial pressure.
Robbins Basic Pathology

CSF is produced by the choroid plexus within the ventricles
Circulates through the ventricular system
Flows through the foramina of Luschka and Magendie into the
subarachnoid space
Absorbed by arachnoid granulations
The balance between rates of generation and resorption regulates CSF

Robbins Basic Pathology

- Accumulation of excessive CSF within the ventricular system
- Overproduction of CSF
- Tumors of the choroid plexus
- Rarely causes hydrocephalus

- Noncommunicating hydrocephalus
- Localized obstacle to CSF flow within the ventricular system
- A portion of the ventricles enlarges while the remainder does
- Masses obstructing the foramen of Monro or compressing the
cerebral aqueduct
- Communicating hydrocephalus
- Entire ventricular system is enlarged
- Reduced CSF resorption
- In infancy before closure of the cranial sutures, the head
- Once the sutures fuse, hydrocephalus causes ventricular expansion
and increased intracranial pressure, but no change in head
- Hydrocephalus ex vacuo
- A compensatory increase in CSF volume can also follow the loss of
brain parenchyma after infarcts or with degenerative diseases

- Cranial vault is subdivided by rigid dural folds
- Intracranial pressure rises
- Volume of tissue and fluid inside the skull increases beyond the
limit permitted by compression of veins and displacement of CSF
- Focal expansion of the brain displaces it in relation to these
- If the expansion is sufficiently large, herniation occurs
- Herniation often leads to “pinching” and vascular compromise of the
compressed tissue
- infarction, additional swelling, and further herniation

Robbins Basic Pathology

Subfalcine (cingulate) herniation
Unilateral or asymmetric expansion of a cerebral hemisphere displaces
the cingulate gyrus under the edge of falx
Compression of the anterior cerebral artery
Subfalcial herniation

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Transtentorial (uncinate) herniation
- Medial aspect of the temporal lobe is compressed against the free
margin of the tentorium
- Temporal lobe is displaced
- Third cranial nerve is compromised
- Pupillary dilation and impaired ocular movements on the side of
the lesion (“blown pupil”)
- Posterior cerebral artery may also be compressed
- ischemic injury
- primary visual cortex

- If herniation is big enough
- compress the contralateral cerebral peduncle against the
- hemiparesis ipsilateral to the side of the herniation (false
localizing sign)
- Kernohan’s notch
- Deformation formed by compression of the peduncle

Transtentorial herniation
Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Duret hemorrhages
-Progression of transtentorial herniation
-Linear or flame-shaped hemorrhages in the midbrain and pons
-Lesions usually occur in the midline and paramedian regions
-Result of tearing of penetrating veins and arteries supplying the
upper brain stem
Robbins Basic Pathology

Duret hemorrhage
Mass effect displaces the brain downward
Disruption of the vessels that enter the pons along the midline,
leading to hemorrhage
Robbins Basic Pathology

Tonsillar herniation
Displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum
Brain stem compression
Compromises vital respiratory and cardiac centers in the medulla

Cerebellar tonsillar herniation
Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas
- Stroke (İnme, Nuzül, Felç)
- clinical designation applied to all conditions when symptoms begin
- Thrombotic occlusion
- Embolic occlusion
- Vascular rupture
- Thrombosis and embolism
- loss of oxygen and metabolic substrates
- infarction or ischemic injury of regions supplied by the affected
- complete loss of perfusion, severe hypoxemia (e.g., hypovolemic
shock), or profound hypoglycemia
- Hemorrhage accompanies rupture of vessels
- direct tissue damage, secondary ischemic injury
Brain is highly oxygen-dependent tissue
Requires a continual supply of glucose and oxygen from the blood
- 2% of body weight
- 15% of the resting cardiac output
- 20% of total body oxygen consumption
Cerebral blood flow auto-regulated for a stable blood pressure and
intracranial pressure
Functional hypoxia
- Low partial pressure of oxygen
- Impaired oxygen-carrying capacity
- severe anemia, carbon monoxide poisoning
- Inhibition of oxygen use by tissue
- Transient or permanent
- Tissue hypoperfusion
- Hypotension
- Vascular obstruction
Global Cerebral Ischemia
- Widespread ischemic-hypoxic injury
- Severe systemic hypotension
- systolic pressures <50 mm Hg
- cardiac arrest, shock, and severe hypotension
- Neurons are more susceptible to hypoxic injury than glial cells
- Mild or transient global ischemic insults may cause damage to
vulnerable areas
- Most susceptible neurons pyramidal cells of the hippocampus,
neocortex and Purkinje cells of the cerebellum
- Severe global cerebral ischemia
- widespread neuronal death irrespective of regional vulnerability
- Macroscopically
- Brain is swollen
- Wide gyri and narrowed sulci
- Cut surface shows poor demarcation between gray and white matter

Early changes
12-24 hours after the insult
Acute neuronal cell change (red neurons)
Cytoplasmic eosinophilia
Pyknosis and karyorrhexis
Similar changes later in astrocytes and oligodendroglia

Early changes
12-24 hours after the insult
Acute neuronal cell change (red neurons)
Cytoplasmic eosinophilia
Pyknosis and karyorrhexis
Similar changes later in astrocytes and oligodendroglia

Reaction to tissue damage
Infiltration by neutrophils
Infiltration of a cerebral infarction by neutrophils begins at the
edges of the lesion where the vascular supply is intact.
Robbins Basic Pathology

Subacute changes
24 hours-2 weeks
Necrosis of tissue
Influx of macrophages
Vascular proliferation
Reactive gliosis
By day 10, an area of infarction shows the presence of macrophages and
surrounding reactive gliosis.
Robbins Basic Pathology

> 2 weeks
Removal of all necrotic tissue
Loss of organized CNS structure, and gliosis
Old intracortical infarcts are seen as areas of tissue loss with a
modest amount of residual gliosis
Robbins Basic Pathology
Border zone (“watershed”) infarcts
Wedge-shaped areas of infarction
Regions of the brain and spinal cord that lie at the most distal
portions of arterial territories
Seen after hypotensive episodes
Border zone between the anterior and the middle cerebral artery
distributions is at greatest risk
Focal Cerebral Ischemia
- Cerebral arterial occlusion
- Focal ischemia
- Infarction in the distribution of the compromised vessel
- The size, location, and shape of the infarct and the extent of
tissue damage that results may be modified by collateral blood flow
- Collateral flow through the circle of Willis or
cortical-leptomeningeal anastomoses can limit damage in some regions
- There is little or no collateral flow to structures such as the
thalamus, basal ganglia, and deep white matter
- supplied by deep penetrating vessels
Embolic infarctions
- More common than infarctions due to thrombosis
- Cardiac mural thrombi are a frequent source of emboli
- Thromboemboli arise in carotid arteries or aortic arch
- Middle cerebral artery
- direct extension of the internal carotid artery
- most frequently affected by embolic infarction
- Emboli tend to lodge where vessels branch or in areas of stenosis,
usually caused by atherosclerosis
Thrombotic occlusions
superimposed on atherosclerotic plaques
carotid bifurcation, the origin of the middle cerebral artery, and at
either end of the basilar artery
accompanied by anterograde extension, as well as thrombus
fragmentation and distal embolization
- Nonhemorrhagic infarcts
- Acute vascular occlusions
- Treated with thrombolytic therapies
- Hemorrhagic infarcts
- Result from reperfusion of ischemic tissue
- Through collaterals or after dissolution of emboli
- Often produce multiple, sometimes confluent petechial
Section of the brain showing a large, discolored, focally hemorrhagic
region in the left middle cerebral artery distribution: Hemorrhagic
(red) infarction

Robbins Basic Pathology

An infarct with punctate hemorrhages, consistent with
ischemia-reperfusion injury, is present in the temporal lobe
Robbins Basic Pathology

Old cystic infarct shows destruction of cortex and surrounding
Robbins Basic Pathology
Macroscopic appearance of a nonhemorrhagic infarct
First 6 hours
48 hours
2-10 days
- brain turns gelatinous and friable
- boundary between normal and abnormal tissue becomes more
- edema resolves in the adjacent viable tissue
10 day-3 week
- Tissue liquefies
- fluid-filled cavity lined by dark gray tissue
- gradually expands as dead tissue is resorbed
After first 12 hours
- ischemic neuronal change (red neurons)
- cytotoxic and vasogenic edema
- Endothelial and glial cells, mainly astrocytes, swell, and
myelinated fibers begin to disintegrate
48 hours
- some neutrophilic emigration
2 to 3 weeks
- **mononuclear phagocytic cells **
Months to years
- Macrophages containing myelin or red cell breakdown products
Phagocytosis and liquefaction proceeds
Astrocytes at the edges of the lesion progressively enlarge, divide,
and develop a prominent network of cytoplasmic extensions
After several months
- astrocytic nuclear and cytoplasmic enlargement regresses
Wall of the cavity, astrocyte processes form a dense feltwork of
glial fibers admixed with new capillaries and a few perivascular
connective tissue fibers
In the cerebral cortex, the cavity is delimited from the meninges
and subarachnoid space by a gliotic layer of tissue, derived from the
molecular layer of the cortex
The pia and arachnoid are not affected
- do not contribute to the healing process
The microscopic picture and evolution of hemorrhagic infarction
parallel those of ischemic infarction
Addition of blood extravasation and resorption
Intracranial Hemorrhage
- Hypertension and other diseases leading to vascular wall injury
- Structural lesions such as arteriovenous and cavernous
- Tumors
- Subarachnoid hemorrhages
- caused by ruptured aneurysms
- vascular malformations
- Subdural or epidural hemorrhages
Spontaneous (nontraumatic) intraparenchymal hemorrhages
- Most common in mid- to late adult life
- Peak incidence at about 60 years of age
- Most are due to the rupture of a small intraparenchymal vessel
- Hypertension is the leading underlying cause
- brain hemorrhage 15% of deaths with chronic hypertension
- typically occur in the basal ganglia, thalamus, pons, and

Cerebral hemorrhage. Massive hypertensive hemorrhage rupturing into a
lateral ventricle
Robbins Basic Pathology
Acute hemorrhages
- Extravasated blood
- Compresses the adjacent parenchyma
- With time, hemorrhages are converted to a cavity
- Early lesions
- clotted blood
- anoxic neuronal and glial changes
- edema
- Later
- edema resolves
- pigment- and lipid-laden macrophages appear
- proliferation of reactive astrocytes becomes visible at the
periphery of the lesion
- Similar changes observed after cerebral infarction
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
- Amyloidogenic peptides deposit in the walls of medium- and
small-caliber meningeal and cortical vessels
- Similar to those in Alzheimer disease
- Rigid, pipelike appearance and stains with Congo red
- Weakens vessel walls and increases the risk of hemorrhages
- Distribution is different from hypertensive hemorrhages
- occur in the lobes of the cerebral cortex ( lobar hemorrhages )
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Saccular Aneurysms
- The most frequent cause of clinically significant non-traumatic
subarachnoid hemorrhage is rupture of a saccular (berry) aneurysm
- Other causes of subarachnoid hemorrhage:
- vascular malformation
- trauma
- rupture of an intracerebral hemorrhage into the ventricular
- hematologic disturbances
- tumors
Saccular Aneurysms
- Rupture can occur at any time (Ebru Gündeş)
- 1/3 associated with acute increases in intracranial pressure
- even straining at stool, sexual orgasm, holding sneezing
- Blood under arterial pressure is forced into the subarachnoid
- Patient is stricken with sudden, excruciating headache
- the worst headache I’ve ever had
- Rapidly loses consciousness
- 25-50% of affected persons die from the first bleed
- Recurrent bleeds are common
- Prognosis worsens with each bleeding episode

90% of saccular aneurysms occur in the anterior circulation near major
arterial branch points
multiple aneurysms exist in 20-30%
Robbins Basic Pathology
- Increased risk of aneurysms in patients with autosomal dominant
polycystic kidney disease
- Genetic disorders of extracellular matrix proteins
- 1.3% of aneurysms bleed per year
- >1 cm in diameter, 50% risk of bleeding per year
- In the early period after a subarachnoid hemorrhage
- additional risk of ischemic injury from vasospasm of other
- Healing and the attendant meningeal fibrosis and scarring sometimes
obstruct CSF flow or disrupt CSF resorption, leading to
An unruptured saccular aneurysm is a thin-walled outpouching of an

Robbins Basic Pathology

Robbins Basic Pathology

Beyond the neck of the aneurysm no muscular wall and intimal elastic
Aneurysm sac is lined only by thickened hyalinized intima
Adventitia covering the sac is continuous with parent artery
Rupture usually occurs at the apex of the sac, releasing blood into
the subarachnoid space or the substance of the brain, or both
Robbins Basic Pathology
Other aneurysms
- Atherosclerotic
- fusiform and most commonly involve the basilar artery
- Mycotic, traumatic, and dissecting aneurysms
- in the anterior circulation
- Nonsaccular aneurysms
- manifest with cerebral infarction
- vascular occlusion
arteriovenous malformations
cavernous malformations
capillary telangiectasias
venous angiomas
- Most common vascular malformation
- M:F=2:1
- 10-30 years age
- seizures, an intracerebral hemorrhage, or a subarachnoid
- Large AVMs in the newborn
- high-output congestive heart failure because of blood shunting
from arteries to veins
- Risk of bleeding, most dangerous type of vascular malformation
- Multiple AVMs
- hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
- Autosomal dominant
- Mutations affecting the TGFβ pathway
Arteriovenous malformation

İnvolve subarachnoid vessels extending into brain parenchyma
Or exclusively within the brain
Tangled network of wormlike vascular channels
Robbins Basic Pathology
Enlarged blood vessels separated by gliotic tissue
Previous hemorrhage
Vessels can be recognized as arteries with duplicated and fragmented
internal elastic lamina
Marked thickening or partial replacement of the media by hyalinized
connective tissue
distended, loosely organized vascular channels
thin collagenized walls
without intervening nervous tissue
most often in the cerebellum, pons, and subcortical regions
low blood flow without significant arteriovenous shunting
Foci of old hemorrhage, infarction, and calcification frequently
surround the abnormal vessels
Capillary telangiectasias
microscopic foci of dilated thin-walled vascular channels
separated by relatively normal brain parenchyma
most frequently in the pons
unlikely to bleed or to cause symptoms, and most are incidental
Venous angiomas (varices)
aggregates of ectatic venous channels
unlikely to bleed or to cause symptoms, and most are incidental
Hypertensive Cerebrovascular Disease
Hyaline arteriolar sclerosis of the deep penetrating arteries and
Supply the basal ganglia, the hemispheric white matter, and the
brain stem
Affected arteriolar walls are weakened and are more vulnerable to
Minute aneurysms ( Charcot-Bouchard microaneurysms ) form in
- less than 300 µm in diameter
May cause massive intracerebral hemorrhage
Lacunes or lacunar infarcts
- small cavitary infarcts
- just a few millimeters in size
- most commonly in the deep gray matter (basal ganglia and
thalamus), the internal capsule, the deep white matter, and the
- caused by occlusion of a single penetrating branch of a large
cerebral artery
- Depending on their location silent or significant neurologic
Rupture of the small-caliber penetrating vessels
- development of small hemorrhages
- resorb, leave slitlike cavity ( slit hemorrhage ) surrounded by
brownish discoloration
Acute hypertensive encephalopathy
- associated with sudden sustained rises in diastolic blood pressure
to greater than 130 mm Hg
- increased intracranial pressure
- global cerebral dysfunction
- headaches, confusion, vomiting, convulsions, and sometimes coma
- brain edema, with or without transtentorial or tonsillar
- Petechiae and fibrinoid necrosis of arterioles in the gray and
white matter may be seen microscopically
- Infectious arteritis of small and large vessels
- syphilis and tuberculosis
- opportunistic infections
- aspergillosis, herpes zoster, CMV
- Polyarteritis nodosa
- single or multiple infarcts throughout the brain
- Primary angiitis of the CNS
- involving multiple small to medium-sized parenchymal and
subarachnoid vessels
- chronic inflammation, multinucleate giant cells (with or without
granuloma formation)
- destruction of vessel walls
- diffuse encephalopathy
- cognitive dysfunction

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Massive recent infarct
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Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Recent intracerebral hemorrhage with intraventricular extension
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Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Deep arteriovenous malformation
Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Cavernous venous vascular malformation
Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Bilateral hemorrhagic infarcts related to sagittal sinus thrombosis
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Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas