Serdar Balcı
Harvey Williams Cushing

first anaesthetic chart
clinical use of X-rays
relationship between systolic blood pressure and cranial pressure
application of electrical coagulation to neurosurgery


Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 1969 Apr;44(4):180-1.

Ann Surg. 1909 Dec;50(6):1002-17.

Ann Surg. 1909 Dec;50(6):1002-17.

Pituitary. 2010 Dec;13(4):324-8.

Pituitary. 2010 Dec;13(4):324-8.

Pituitary. 2010 Dec;13(4):324-8.

Pituitary. 2010 Dec;13(4):324-8.

Pituitary. 2010 Dec;13(4):324-8.

Pituitary. 2010 Dec;13(4):324-8.

Pituitary. 2010 Dec;13(4):324-8.

Pituitary. 2010 Dec;13(4):324-8.
Davut’un Golyat’ı Öldürmesi (I.Samuel)
1.Sa.17: 4 Filist ordugahından Gatlı Golyat adında usta bir
dövüşçüortaya çıktı. ** **Boyu ** **altı arşın bir karıştı*fe*.D Not
17:4 “Altı arşın bir karış”: ** **Yaklaşık 2.9 m .
1.Sa.17: 5 Başına tunç* miğfer takmış, pullu bir zırh kuşanmıştı. **
**Tunç zırhın ağırlığı __ beş bin şekeldi*ff*.D Not 17:5 “Beş bin
şekel”: __ Yaklaşık 57.5 kg .
1.Sa.17: 6 Baldırları zırhlarla korunmuştu. Omuzları arasında tunç bir
pala asılıydı.
1.Sa.17: 7 Mızrağının sapı dokumacı tezgahının sırığı gibiydi. **
**Mızrağındemir başının ağırlığı __ altı yüz şekeldi*fg*.
Golyat’ın önüsıra kalkanını taşıyan bir adam yürüyordu.D Not 17:7 “Altı
yüz şekel”: __ Yaklaşık 6.9 kg .
1.Sa.17: 8 Golyat durup İsrail ordusuna, “Neden savaş düzeni aldınız?”
diye haykırdı, “Ben Filistli’yim, sizse Saul’un kölelerisiniz. Aranızdan
karşıma çıkacak birini seçin.
1.Sa.17: 38 Sonra kendi giysilerini Davut’a verdi; başına tunç miğfer
taktı, ona bir zırh giydirdi.
1.Sa.17: 39 Davut giysilerinin üzerine kılıcını kuşanıp yürümeye
çalıştı. Çünkü bu giysilere alışık değildi. Saul’a, “Bunlarla
yürüyemiyorum” dedi, “Çünkü alışık değilim.” Sonra giysileri üzerinden
1.Sa.17: 40 Değneğini alıp dereden beş çakıl taşı seçti. Bunları çoban
dağarcığının cebine koyduktan sonra ** **sapanını alıp Filistli Golyat’a
doğru ilerledi .
1.Sa.17: 48 Golyat saldırmak amacıyla Davut’a doğru ilerledi. Davut
daonunla dövüşmek üzere hemen Filist cephesine doğru koştu.
1.Sa.17: 49 ** **Elini dağarcığına sokup bir taş çıkardı, sapanla
fırlattı.Taş Filistli’nin alnına çarpıp saplandı. Filistli yüzükoyun
yere düştü.
1.Sa.17: 50 Böylece Davut Filistli Golyat’ı sapan ve taşla
yendi.Elinde kılıç olmaksızın onu yere serdi.
1.Sa.17: 51 Sonra koşup üzerine çıktı. Golyat’ın kılıcını
tutupkınından çektiği gibi onu öldürdü ve başını kesti.Kahraman
Golyat’ın öldüğünü gören Filistliler kaçtılar.
**Pierre Puget ‘David, vainqueur de Goliath’ **
*A History of Acromegaly * Pituitary 1999;2:7–28

Undoubtedly Goliath’s great size was due to ** **acromegaly **
**secondary to a pituitary macroadenoma. This pituitary adenoma was
apparently large enough to induce ** **visual field deficits __ by
its pressure on the optic chiasm, which made Goliath __ unable to
follow the young David ** **as he circled him. The ** **stone entered
Goliath’s cranial vault ** **through a ** **markedly thinned frontal
bone , which resulted from enlargement of the frontal paranasal
sinus, a frequent feature of acromegaly. The stone lodged in Goliath’s
enlarged pituitary and caused a ** **pituitary hemorrhage ,
resulting in ** **transtentorial herniation and death .
**Radiology. 1990 Jul;176(1):288. **

Pituitary Diseases
Serdar BALCI, MD
Pituitary gland
- **small, bean-shaped **
- lies at the base of the brain within the sella turcica
- Related to the hypothalamus
- stalk, composed of axons
- venous plexus
- Anterior lobe (adenohypophysis)
- Posterior lobe (neurohypophysis)
Anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis)
- Epithelial cells
- Embryologically from the developing oral cavity
- Normal histology:
- Cells containing basophilic cytoplasm
- Eosinophilic cytoplasm
- Poorly staining ( chromophobic ) cytoplasm

Robbins Basic Pathology

Robbins Basic Pathology

Pituitary Diseases
- Hyperpituitarism
- excessive secretion of trophic hormones
- Anterior pituitary adenoma
- Hypopituitarism
Deficiency of trophic hormones
Ischemic injury, surgery or radiation, and inflammatory
Nonfunctional pituitary adenomas destruct normal structures
Local mass effects
Sellar expansion, bony erosion, and disruption of the diaphragma
Compress decussating fibers in the optic chiasm
- lateral (temporal) visual fields, bitemporal hemianopsia
Elevated intracranial pressure
- headache, nausea, and vomiting
Extend into the base of the brain
- invasive pituitary adenoma
- seizures or obstructive hydrocephalus
- cranial nerve palsy
Acute hemorrhage into an adenoma
- rapid enlargement of the lesion
- pituitary apoplexy
- rapidly fatal
- The most common cause of hyperpituitarism is an adenoma arising in
the anterior lobe
- Less common causes
- Hyperplasia
- carcinomas of the anterior pituitary
- secretion of hormones by some extrapituitary tumors
- Certain hypothalamic disorders
Pathogenesis of Pituitary Adenomas
- Guanine nucleotide–binding protein (G protein) mutations
- critical role in signal transduction
- from cell surface receptors (e.g., growth hormone–releasing
hormone receptor) to intracellular effectors (e.g., adenyl
- generate second messengers (e.g., cAMP).
- encoded by the GNAS1 gene
- 40% of growth hormone–secreting somatotroph cell adenomas and a
minority of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)–secreting corticotroph
cell adenomas have GNAS1 mutations

- Familial pituitary adenomas
- Germline inactivating mutations of the MEN1 gene
- multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1 (MEN-1)
- CDKN1B gene
- cell cycle checkpoint regulator p27 or KIP1
- Germline mutations of CDKN1B
- “MEN-1 like” syndrome who lack MEN1 abnormalities
- Aryl hydrocarbon receptor–interacting protein (AIP)
- pituitary adenoma predisposition gene
- GH-secreting adenomas at a younger age (before 35 years) than
that typical for sporadic GH adenoma patients
- Mutations of TP53
- associated with a propensity for aggressive behavior, such as
invasion and recurrence

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Macroadenomas >1 cm
Microadenomas <1 cm
Robbins Basic Pathology

Pituitary adenoma is a well-circumscribed, soft lesion
Smaller tumors, be confined by the sella turcica
Larger lesions may compress the optic chiasm and adjacent structures
Erode the sella turcica and anterior clinoid processes
Extend locally into the cavernous and sphenoidal sinuses
30% of cases, nonencapsulated and infiltrate adjacent bone, dura, and
(uncommonly) brain
Foci of hemorrhage and/or necrosis are common in larger adenomas
Robbins Basic Pathology

Massive, nonfunctioning adenoma has grown far beyond the confines of
the sella turcica and has distorted the overlying brain
Nonfunctioning adenomas tend to be larger at the time of diagnosis
than those that secrete a hormone
Robbins Basic Pathology

Relatively uniform, polygonal cells arrayed in sheets, cords, or
Supporting connective tissue, or reticulin, is sparse
Soft, gelatinous consistency
Nuclei of the neoplastic cells may be uniform or pleomorphic
Mitotic activity usually is scanty
Cytoplasm of the constituent cells may be acidophilic, basophilic, or
chromophobic, depending on the type and amount of secretory product
within the cell, but it is fairly uniform throughout the neoplasm
Robbins Basic Pathology
anterior pituitary parenchyma
pituitary adenoma

Cellular monomorphism and the absence of a significant reticulin
network distinguish pituitary adenomas from non-neoplastic anterior
pituitary parenchyma
Pituitary Adenomas
- The functional status of the adenoma cannot be reliably predicted
from its histologic appearance
- Adenomas with TP53 mutations
- brisk mitotic activity
- higher proliferation rates
- Designated as “atypical adenomas”
- potential for aggressive behavior
- Composed of a single cell type and produce a single predominant
- Some pituitary adenomas can secrete two different hormones
- growth hormone and prolactin most common combination
- rarely plurihormonal
- Functional
- Associated with hormone excess and clinical manifestations
- Nonfunctioning adenomas
- Mass effects, hypopituitarism
- Demonstration of hormone production at the tissue level only,
without clinical manifestations of hormone excess
- Truly “hormone negative”
- Absence of immunohistochemical reactivity or ultrastructural
evidence of hormone production
- Nonfunctioning and hormone-negative adenomas
- come to clinical attention at a later stage
- Macroadenomas
- may cause hypopituitarism
Pituitary Adenomas

Robbins Basic Pathology
Most common type of hyperfunctioning pituitary adenoma
Range in size from small microadenomas to large, expansile tumors
associated with considerable mass effect
Prolactin is demonstrable within the cytoplasm of the neoplastic cells
by immunohistochemical techniques
- amenorrhea, galactorrhea, loss of libido, and infertility
- Diagnosed at an earlier stage in women of reproductive age
- May be quite subtle in men and older women
- tumor may reach considerable size before coming to clinical
- Causes other than prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas:
- pregnancy
- high-dose estrogen therapy
- renal failure
- hypothyroidism
- hypothalamic lesions
- dopamine-inhibiting drugs (e.g., reserpine)
- Stalk effect
- Any mass in the suprasellar compartment may disturb the normal
inhibitory influence of hypothalamus on prolactin secretion,
resulting in hyperprolactinemia
- Mild elevations of serum prolactin (less than 200 µg/L) in a
patient with a pituitary adenoma do not necessarily indicate a
prolactin-secreting neoplasm

Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
Growth Hormone–Producing (Somatotroph Cell) Adenomas
Second most common type of functional pituitary adenoma
- GH adenomas
- Mixed GH+ PRL adenomas
Clinical manifestations of excessive growth hormone may be subtle
Somatotroph cell adenomas may be quite large by the time they come
to clinical attention
Composed of densely or sparsely granulated cells
Immunohistochemical staining demonstrates growth hormone within the
cytoplasm of the neoplastic cells
Small amounts of immunoreactive prolactin often are present as
Persistent hypersecretion of growth hormone
- Stimulates the hepatic secretion of insulin-like growth factor I
(somatomedin C)
- Causes many of the clinical manifestations
Before the epiphyses close, prepubertal children
- Gigantism
- generalized increase in body size
- disproportionately long arms and legs
After closure of the epiphyses
- Acromegaly
- Growth in soft tissues, skin, and viscera and in the bones of
the face, hands, and feet
- Prognathism
- Enlargement of the jaw results in its protrusion
- Broadening of the lower face and separation of the teeth
- Hands and feet are enlarged
- Broad, sausage-like fingers
Growth hormone excess
- abnormal glucose tolerance
- diabetes mellitus
- generalized muscle weakness
- hypertension
- arthritis
- osteoporosis
- congestive heart failure
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone–Producing (Corticotroph Cell) Adenomas
Most are small (microadenomas) at the time of diagnosis
Stain positively with periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) stains
- accumulation of glycosylated ACTH protein
Secretory granules can be detected by immunohistochemical methods
Electron microscopy they appear as membrane-bound, electron-dense
granules averaging 300 nm in diameter
May be clinically silent
May cause hypercortisolism
- Cushing syndrome
- stimulatory effect of ACTH on the adrenal cortex
Cushing disease
- When the hypercortisolism is caused by excessive production of
ACTH by the pituitary
Nelson syndrome
- Large, clinically aggressive corticotroph cell adenomas may
develop after surgical removal of the adrenal glands for treatment
of Cushing syndrome
- when adrenals removed surgically
- loss of the inhibitory effect of adrenal corticosteroids on a
preexisting corticotroph microadenoma
- patients present with the mass effects of the pituitary tumor
Gonadotroph (luteinizing hormone LH–producing and follicle-stimulating hormone FSH–producing) adenomas
Difficult to recognize
Secrete hormones inefficiently and variably
Secretory products usually do not cause a recognizable clinical
Detected with mass effects
Immunoreactivity for the common gonadotropin α-subunit and the
specific β-FSH and β-LH subunits; FSH usually is the predominant
secreted hormone
Thyrotroph (thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH–producing) adenomas
1% of all pituitary adenomas and constitute a rare cause of
Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas
- 25% of all pituitary tumors
- Characterized by mass effects
- Hypopituitarism
- Clinically silent counterparts of the functioning adenomas
- silent gonadotroph adenoma
- True hormone-negative (null cell) adenomas
Pituitary carcinomas
Exceedingly rare
Local extension beyond the sella turcica
Distant metastases
Loss or absence of 75% or more of the anterior pituitary parenchyma
Congenital (exceedingly rare)
Nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas
Ischemic necrosis of the anterior pituitary
- Sheehan syndrome
- postpartum necrosis of the anterior pituitary
- physiologic enlargement of the gland during pregnancy is not
accompanied by an increase in blood supply from the low-pressure
portal venous system
- significant hemorrhage and hypotension during the peripartal
- posterior pituitary is not effected, receives its blood directly
from arterial branches
- disseminated intravascular coagulation
- sickle cell anemia
- elevated intracranial pressure
- traumatic injury
- shock of any origin
The residual gland is shrunken and scarred
Ablation of the pituitary by surgery or irradiation
Inflammatory lesions
- sarcoidosis or tuberculosis
Metastatic neoplasms involving the pituitary
Clinical manifestations of anterior pituitary hypofunction
- Depend on the specific hormones that are lacking
- Growth hormone deficiency
- Growth failure (pituitary dwarfism)
- Gonadotropin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) deficiency
- amenorrhea and infertility in women
- decreased libido, impotence, and loss of pubic and axillary hair
in men
- Prolactin deficiency
- failure of postpartum lactation
- Loss of stimulatory effects of MSH on melanocytes

Posterior Pituitary Syndromes
- Neurohypophysis
- composed of modified glial cells (termed pituicytes )
- Axonal processes extending from nerve cell bodies in the
supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus
- Hypothalamic neurons produce two peptides
- antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin
- They are stored in axon terminals in the neurohypophysis
- Released into the circulation in response to stimuli
- Oxytocin
- stimulates the contraction of smooth muscle in the pregnant
- muscle surrounding the lactiferous ducts of the mammary glands
- Impairment of oxytocin synthesis and release has not been
associated with significant clinical abnormalities
- diabetes insipidus
- secretion of inappropriately high levels of ADH
Antidiuretic hormone
- Synthesized predominantly in the supraoptic nucleus
- ADH is released in response to
- Increased plasma oncotic pressure, left atrial distention,
exercise, and certain emotional states
- acts on the collecting tubules of the kidney to promote the
resorption of free water
- ADH deficiency causes diabetes insipidus
excessive urination (polyuria)
inability of the kidney to properly resorb water from the urine
Syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH) secretion
- Resorption of excessive amounts of free water
- Hyponatremia, cerebral edema, neurologic dysfunction
ADH excess is caused by several extracranial and intracranial
- secretion of ectopic ADH by malignant neoplasms
- small cell carcinomas of the lung
- non-neoplastic diseases of the lung
- Local injury to the hypothalamus or neurohypophysis

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas
Arise from vestigial remnants of Rathke pouch
1-5% of intracranial tumors
Most are suprasellar, with or without intrasellar extension
Bimodal age distribution
- one peak in childhood (5 to 15 years)
- second peak in adults 65 years or older
Abnormalities of the WNT signaling pathway, mutations of β-catenin
Average 3-4 cm in diameter
Cystic and sometimes multiloculated
Adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma
- Children
- Calcifications
- cysts of adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas often contain a
cholesterol-rich, thick brownish-yellow fluid, “machine oil”
Papillary craniopharyngioma
- most often observed in adults

Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease

Hipofiz adenomuna yaklaşım
Dr. Serdar Balcı
Klinik bilgi
- Çocuklarda: PRL, ACTH
- Hormon düzeylerinde artış
- Hiperprolaktinemi → nonspesifik
- Kitle etkisi
- Başağrısı
- Görme alanı
- Hipopituitarism
- D. insipid ve kraniel sinir arazı
- Öncelikle diğer tümörler, metastazlar
- İnflamatuar süreçler
Eğer hemen patolojiye gelecekse SF içeren tüpte gönderilebilir.
(Otoliz, formolsüz diye not konan rapor sayısı)
Gazlı bezi unutun
EM inceleme?
Hipofiz adenomu - Frozen
- Doku genelde küçük
- Yayma
- Daha az doku yeterli
- Deneyim gerektiriyor
- Tek tanısal materyal frozenda ** *harcanmış * **olabilir
- Frozen beklenmedik bir bulgu ile karşılaşınca uygulanabilir (başka
tümör şüphesi)
- İntraoperatif retikülin?
- Cerrahi sınır?
Mikroadenom – Frozen?
Lobüler yapı
Coğrafi dağılım
Tükrük bezi benzeri bezler gibi taklitçiler
Ara lob???
Suprasellar kitleler - Ddx
Lenfositik/granülamatöz hipofizit
Germ hücreli tümörler
Granüler hücrrli tümör


Sellar kitleler
Rathke kleft kisti
Pilositik astrositom
Langerhans hücreli histiyositoz
Granüler hücreli tümör
Glezer et al, Rare Sellar Lesions, Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am 37
(2008) 195–211

**Postmortem prevalence of pituitary adenoma is 14.4% **
radiologic studies identify a lesion consistent with pituitary adenoma
in 22.2% of the population
providing an overall estimated prevalence of 16.9%.
Adenom - Hiperplazi
- Diffüz, nodüler
- Hiperplazi
- Stimulus kesilince büyüme durur
- Gebelik: laktotrop hücre proliferasyonu
- Primer hipopituitarizm: tirotrop
- Hipotalamik gangliositom, GHrH eksprese eden tümörler:
- __ CrH: bronşial, gastroenterohepatik, adrenal, prostat endokrin

Hipofiz adenomu
- H&E
- 10 boyasız
- Retikülin
- PAS?
- MIB-1
- p53
- Hormonlar
Tedavi etkisi
Retikülin: Adenohipofiz, Hiperplazi, Adenom
Hormon belirteçleri
GH – CK8
Prolaktin – CK8
ACTH - mikroadenom
Retikülin ve ACTH IHK’sı gerekli
Yoğun granüllü
Bazofilik hücreler
CAM 5.2, CK7, CK8
ACTH- Crooke değişiklik
- Tümörsüz alanda (genellikle kortikotroplarda)
- Dolaşımdaki artmış glukokortikoid varlığını yansıtır
- Pituiter kortikotrop adenom
- Ektopik ACTH sekresyonu
- Primer adrenal patolojiler
- İatrojenik
- Adenom görülmediyse mikroadenom varlığı araştırılmalı (1-2 mm’lik
seri kesitler, retikülin ve ACTH ile bakılarak)
- Adenom görülmezse klinikopatolojik korelasyon gerektirir

ACTH- Crooke cell
- Adenom görülmediyse mikroadenom varlığı araştırılmalı
- 1-2 mm’lik seri kesitler
- Retikülin ve ACTH ile bakılarak
- Adenom görülmezse klinikopatolojik korelasyon gerektirir
- Hâlâ sellada adenom var mı?
- Kortikoid yüksekliğinin başka nedenleri
- Aspiratörde ya da seri kesitlerde kaybolan adenom?
ACTH Crooke değişiklik yok, adenom yok
- Kortikotrop hiperplazi?
- Patolojik değerlendirme zor olabilir
- Psödo Cushing
ACTH – Crooke cell adenoma
Adenomatöz hücrelerin sitoplazmasında yoğun birikim
Nükleer pleomorfizm, iri hücre
DDX: gangliositom, metastaz
Yoğun halka şeklinde keratin birikimi
CAM 5.2 +
Mukozada ekilim?
Serum – IHK korelasyonu
Otopside inceleme
Stalk yüksekten kesilmeli
Sella kontrol edilmeli
Dorsum sella dan açılarak intakt çıkartılmaya çalışılmalı

Alıntı slaytlar
Lateral kanat
Mukoid wedge

Hipofiz adenomu sınıflandırması
Cerrahi, radyoloji
Hormon aktif
Mikroadenom <1cm
Makroadenom >1cm

Büyüme Hormonu Adenomu
Gigantizm, akromegali
İnvaziv makroadenom
Yoğun granüllü GH adenomu
Yuvarlak, polihedral, asidofilik
Yaygın, kuvvetli sitoplazmik GH
Perinükleer CK8
Yarısında α-subünit pozitif
Pit-1 kuvvetli nükleer pozitif
EM sekretuvar granüller bol
Seyrek granüllü GH adenomu
Küçük, yuvarlak, kısmen düzensiz hücreler
Fibröz cisimler
- Paranükleer soluk asidofilik küresel inklüzyon
- LMWCK, CK8 pozitif
Pleomorfizm, çok çekirdekli bizar hücreler
GH zayıf sitoplazmik
Pit-1 kuvvetli nükleer pozitif
Daha agresif
Multinükleer, pleomorfizm
Makroadenom, invazif
PRL hücre adenomu
- %25-30
- Serum PRL düzeyi genelde tümör boyutu ile paralel
- >150ng/mL tanısal
- Daha düşük değerler bası etkisini yansıtır
- Kadınlarda mikroadenom şeklinde
- Erkeklerde
- Libido azalması, impotans
- Mikroadenom lateral ve posteriorda
- Genelde diffüz, nadiren papiller
- Nadir iri, uzun hücreler, belirgin membran
Amiloid depolanması, kalsifikasyon
Pitüiter taş
Seyrek granüllü laktotrop adenomu
- Kromofob, amfofilik
- *Belirgin ** *rough __ endoplazmik retikulum içerir__
- Paranükleer (golgi) paterninde PRL pozitif
- Pit-1 nükleer kuvvetli
Yoğun granüllü laktotrop adenomu
Dopamin agonisti tedavisi etkisi
Hücre boyutunda küçülme
Sitoplazmada büzüşme
N/C oranında artma
İnterstisyel ve perivasküler fibrozis
TSH hücre adenomu
Solid, sinüzoidal patern
Stromal fibrozis, psammom cisimleri
Hücre sınırları belirsiz kromofob adenom
Nükleer pleomorfizm olabilir
PAS sitoplazmik granüller
Sitoplazma: α-subünit, β-TSH
Nükleer Pit-1
Plurihormonal ekspresyon izlenebilir
ACTH hücre adenomu
- %10-15
- Makroskopik: kırmızı ve yumuşak mikroadenom
- Seri kesitlere rağmen izlenemeyebilir
- Nadir kavernöz sinüs invazyonu
- Klinik ve biyokimyasal semptom yok
- Sessiz
Diffüz, sinüzoidal
Bazofilik, amfofilik, monomorfik, yuvarlak
Kuvvetli PAS pozitif
Crooke hyalen değişim
Mitoz nadir
ACTH, β-LPH ve/veya β-endorfin
Cushing hastalığı (pitüiter ACTH fazlalığı)
Nelson zemininde gelişen
Crooke cell adenoma
Sessiz kortikotrop adenomlar
Cushing hastalığı (pitüiter ACTH fazlalığı)
Gonadotrop hücre adenomu
Fonksiyonel olanlar erkeklerde daha sık
Sessiz adenomlarda IHK ile tanı konur
Supra, parasellar
Sinüzoid, psödorozet
Kanama, nekroz olabilir
PAS negatif, onkositik olabilir
α-subünit, β-FSH (daha sık), β-LH pozitif
Plurihormonal Adenomlar
- Pit-1
- Karışık somatotrop-laktotrop
- Akromegali, stalka bası
- İki farklı hücre tipi
- Mammosomatotrop
- Klinik sakin, akromegali, hiperPRL
- Aynı hücrede GH ve PRL
- Asidofil kök hücre
- Klinik sakin veya hiperPRL
- Kromofob
- İnvaziv
- Paranükleer vakuol
- Agresif seyir
- Plurihormonal GH üreten adenomlar
- Yoğun granüllü GH adenomu
- PRL, α-subünit, β-TSH, β-FSH, β-LH
- ACTH-α subünit
- LH/FSH-PRL-β-endorfin
Null Hücre Adenomu
%20, giderek düşüyor
Suprasellar, parasellar invazyon
Kavitasyon, kanama
Yuvarlak, poligonal, kromofob
Diffüz, papiller
Pleomorfizm, mitoz nadir
Kavernöz sinüs
- Agresif davranış
- Rekürrens
- Hormon düzeyi normale dönmez
- Dura invazyonu sık
Atipik adenom
- Biyolojik
- Agresif davranış
- Rekürrens
- Ki-67>%3
- p53 pozitif
- Metastaz yaparlar mı?
Hipofiz karsinomu
- BOS ya da sistemik yayılımla tanı konur
- Erişkinlerde
- Nadir
- ACTH olanlar Nelson zemininde
- İnvazyon, pleomorfizm, mitoz ve nekroz izlenir
- Ancak tanısal ya da prediktif değildir
Cadillac approach
Acta Neuropathol (2006) 111: 68–70

Hipofiz adenomu