Serdar Balcı
Santral Sinir Sisteminde Hasar
Dr. Serdar BALCI
Santral Sinir Sistemi
- Anatomi önemli
- Belirti, bulgu ve klinik özellikler
- Histoloji ve reaksiyon paternleri farklı
- Kendine özgü tümör ve hastalıkları var
Nöron hasarı
- Geri dönüşsüz hipoksik-iskemik atağın ilk 12 saati:
- Akut sinir hasarı
- Hücredeki değişiklikler (perikaryon)
- Aksonlardaki değişiklikler
- Akson hasarına ikincil perikaryondaki değişiklikler
- Kan-beyin bariyerinin yıkılması
Hücrede büzüşme, piknozis, nükleol kaybı, Nissl cisimciği kaybı,
sitoplazmada belirgin eozinofili (kırmızı nöron)
Nükleus da büzüşen hücre gibi köşeli şekil alır
Robbins Basic Pathology
Injured axons undergo swelling and show disruption of axonal
Swellings (spheroids) can be recognized on H&E stains and can be
highlighted by silver staining or immunohistochemistry.
Axonal spheroids are visible as bulbous swellings at points of
disruption, or altered axonal transport.
Robbins Basic Pathology
Axonal injury
-leads to cell body enlargement and rounding
-peripheral displacement of the nucleus
-enlargement of the nucleolus
-peripheral dispersion of Nissl substance (central chromatolysis)
C: With axonal injury there can be swelling of the cell body and
peripheral dispersal of the Nissl substance, termed chromatolysis.
Robbins Basic Pathology
Other diseases also cause changes in neurons
- Specific intracellular inclusions
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Lewy bodies in Parkinson disease
- Tangles in Alzheimer disease
- Pathogenic viruses
- Neuronal processes
- thickened and tortuous In some neurodegenerative diseases
- dystrophic neurites
- Age
- cytoplasm and lysosomes
- accumulate complex lipids (lipofuscin)
Astrocytes in Injury and Repair
- Principal cells responsible for repair and scar formation in the
- Gliosis
- Astrocytes undergo both hypertrophy and hyperplasia
- Nucleus enlarges and becomes vesicular
- Nucleolus becomes prominent
- Gemistocytic astrocyte
- Previously scant cytoplasm expands and takes on a bright pink hue,
and the cell extends multiple stout, ramifying processes
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
Participate in healing after brain injury to a limited extent
Except in penetrating brain trauma or around abscesses
Fibrillary astrocytes
Long-standing gliosis
Cytoplasm of reactive astrocytes shrinks in size
Cellular processes become more tightly interwoven
Rosenthal fibers
Thick, elongated, brightly eosinophilic protein aggregates found in
astrocytic processes in chronic gliosis and in some low-grade gliomas
- Produce myelin
- Limited spectrum of specific morphologic changes in response to
various injuries
- Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
- viral inclusions
- smudgy, homogeneous-appearing enlarged nucleus
Microglial cells
Bone-marrow–derived cells
Function as the resident phagocytes of the CNS
Activated by tissue injury, infection, or trauma
Proliferate and become more prominent histologically
- Take on the appearance of activated macrophages
- In areas of demyelination, organizing infarct, or hemorrhage
- Rod cells
- Neurosyphilis or other infections, they develop elongated nuclei
- Microglial nodules
- Aggregates of elongated microglial cells at sites of tissue
- Neuronophagia
- Collections congregating around and phagocytosing injured
Ependymal cells
- Cytomegalovirus
- can produce extensive ependymal injury
- typical viral inclusions