Serdar Balcı

SSS Tümörleri
Dr. Serdar BALCI
SSS Tümörleri
- SSS tümörlerinin yıllık insidansı
- 10-17/100,000 intrakraniyel tümörler
- 1-2/100,000 intraspinal tümörler
- 1/2-2/3 primer tümörler
- Diğerleri metastatik
- Pediatrik tümörlerin %20’si
- Daha çok posterior fossada
- Erişkinlerde tümörler daha çok supratentorial
SSS Tümörlerinin Özellikleri
- Karsinomlar gibi önceden tespit edilebilen in situ ya da premalign
evreleri yok
- Düşük dereceli lezyonlar beynin geniş alanlarını infiltre edebilir
- Ciddi klinik defisit, rezekte edilemez ve kötü prognoz
- Histolojik sınıflamadan bağımsız olarak anatomik lokalizasyon klinik
gidişi etkiler
- Lokal kitle etkisi
- Benign meningiom medullada kardiyorespiratuar arreste neden
- Rezektabilite
- Beyin kökü gliomları rezeke edilemez
- En malign gliomlar bile nadiren SSS dışına çıkar
- Lokal infiltrasyon
- Subaraknoid alana yayılım
SSS Tümörleri
- SSS tümörleri hemen tüm hücre tiplerinden köken alır
- Beyin zarları
- Beyin
- Gliom, nöronal tümörler, koroid pleksus tümörleri
- Diğer hücre popülasyonları
- Primer SSS lenfomaları, germ hücre tümörleri
- Diğer organlardan
SSS Tümörleri Sınıflaması

Hücre orijinine göre sınıflama

Ayırıcı tanı için en önemli özellikler
Lokalizasyon, lokalizasyon, lokalizasyon…
Radyolojik özellikler
Histomorfolojik özellikler
Genetik özellikler
SSS tümörlerinin lokalizasyonu
- Spesifik tümörler spesifik lokalizasyonlarda olur
- Serebellum → Medulloblastom
- İntraventriküler → Santral Nörositom
- Spesifik yaş grupları
- Pediatrik → Medulloblastom, Pilositik astrositom
- İleri yaş → Glioblastom, Lenfoma
SSS tümörlerinin yayılımı
Beyin tümörlerinin diğer bölgelere yayılımı çok nadir
Spinal subaraknoid tümör yayılımı (ekilimi, seeding)

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas
SSS tümörlerinin derecelendirilmesi
Derecelendirme histolojik alt tipe göre yapılır
Grade I tümörler
Grade II tümörler
Grade III tümörler
Grade IV tümörler
Benign, Resection is cure
Progression can be seen
- Beyin parankim tümörleri
- Glial hücelere benzerliklerine göre
- Astrositom
- Oligodendrogliom
- Ependimom
- Diffüz, infiltratif gliomlar
- En sık görülen tipler
- Astrositik, oligodendroglial ve mikst formlar
- Ependimomlar solid kitleler oluştururlar
Grading of CNS gliomas
Increasing tumor malignancy is associated with more cytologic
anaplasia, increased cell density, necrosis, and mitotic activity
Grade I tumors
Grade II tumors
Grade III tumors
Grade IV tumors
- Pilositik astrositomlar
- İnfiltratif gliomlar
- Diffüz Astrositom, Derece II
- Atipik nükleer özellikler
- İnfiltrasyon
- Anaplastik Astrositom, Derece III
- Glioblastom, Derece IV
- Nekroz
- Mikrovasküler (endotelial) proliferasyon
Pilositik Astrositom, Derece I
- Benign tümör
- Çocuklar ve genç erişkinler
- Lokalizasyon
- En sık serebellum
- 3. ventrikül
- Optik yolak
- Spinal kord
- Serebral hemisferler
- Tümör ile ilişkili kist
- Rekürrens olurs da kistik komponentin genişlemesi ile olur
- Hipotalamik tümörler problemli çünkü tümüyle rezeke edilemez

Pilositik Astrositom
Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas
Pilositik Astrositom
- BRAF (serin-threonin kinaz) aktivasyon mutasyonları
- Tandem duplikasyon
- Nokta mutasyonu (V600E)
- IDH1 ve IDH2 mutasyon yok
Kist duvarında mural nodül
Eğer solid ise, iyi sınırlı
Bipolar hücreler, ince saçsı uzantılar
Rozental lifler, eozinofilik granüler cisimcikler, mikrokist
Nekroz ve mitoz çok çok nadir

Diffüz astrositomlar
- Erişkin gliomların %80’i
- 4-6. dekad
- Genellikle serebral hemisferlerde
- Klinik bilgi ve bulgular
- Nöbet
- Başağrısı
- Lokalizasyona bağlı nörolojik defisitler
Diffuse Astrocytoma
- Spectrum of histologic differentiation that correlates well with
clinical course and outcome
- well-differentiated astrocytoma (grade II/IV)
- anaplastic astrocytoma (grade III/IV)
- glioblastoma (grade IV/IV)
Infiltrating pontine glioma (astrocytoma)

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas
Diffüz infiltratif astrositom

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

İyi diferansiye astrositomlar belirsiz sınırlı, gri, infiltratif
tümörlerdir. Ayrı bir kitle oluşturmadan infiltratif oalrak büyür ve
normal dokuların yapısını ortadan kaldırır
Robbins Basic Pathology

Makroskopik olarak görünen sınır ötesine de uzanım mutlaka vardır
Kesit yüzü sert, yumuşak veya jelatinöz
Kistik dejenerasyon görülebilir
Robbins Basic Pathology

Clinical Neuropathology Text and Color Atlas

Practical Surgical Neuropathology

Brain Tumor Pathol (2011) 28:177–183
Diffüz astrositom
- İyi diferansiye astrositomlar uuzn yıllar statik kalabilir
- Progresyon olduğunda, ortalama sağkalım 5 yıldan fazla
- Hızlı klinik bozulma, anaplastik özelliklerin ortaya çıkması ve
hızlı tümör büyümesi ile korele
- Tümörlerin dereceleri artabilir
- İyi diferansiye, Grade II → Anaplastik astrositom, grade III →
Glioblastom, grade IV
- Glioblastoma ait histolojik özellikler belirgin olduğunda sağkalım
çok kötü
- Rezeksiyon, radyoterapi ve kemoterapi ile ortanca sağkalım 15 ay

Brain Tumor Pathol (2011) 28:177–183
Defects in tricyclic carbon cycle

Isocitrate dehydrogenase mutasyonları yan ürünlerin birikimine neden
SSS tümörlerinde yakın zamanda bulunan en önemli mutasyon
Cancer Cell. 2010 Jan 19;17(1):7-9

N Engl J Med 2009;360:765-73.
İyi diferansiye astrositom
Glial hücre sayısında hafif orta artış
Değişken nükleer pleomorfizm
Zeminde ince, GFAP pozitif gliofibriler ağ
Normal doku ve tümör geçişi net değil
Neoplastik hücreler ana tümör kitlesinin santimetrelerce uzağında
Anaplastik astrositomlar, Derece III
Selülarite daha belirgin
Daha belirgin nükleer pleomorfizm
Mitotik figürlerin görülmesi

Practical Surgical Neuropathology
Glioblastom, Derece IV
- p53 ve Rb tümör süpresör yolaklarında fonksiyon kaybı mutasyonları
- Onkojenik PI3K yolaklarında fonksiyon kazanıkm mutasyonları
- Düşük dereceli astrositomlarda ve bunlardan gelişen glioblastomlarda
isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1 and IDH2) mutasyonları
- İmmünohistokimya ile tanısal olarak da kullanılıyor
- Anaplastik astrositom özellikleri VE
- Nekroz
- Psödopalizatlanma
- Coğrafi
- Vasküler proliferasyon
- Mikrovasküler proliferasyon
- Vasküler endotelyal proliferasyon
- Glomeruloid vasküler proliferasyon

Nekrotik, hemorajik, infiltratif kitle
- Makroskopik görünümde bölgesel farklılıklar karakteristiktir:
- Sert ve beyaz
- Yumuşak ve sarı
- Kistik dejenerasyon ve kanama
Robbins Basic Pathology
Glioblastoma multiforme

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Selüler tümör, nekroz ve psödopalizatlanma dizilimi
Robbins Basic Pathology

Clinical Neuropathology Text and Color Atlas

Practical Surgical Neuropathology

Practical Surgical Neuropathology
- Gliomların %5-15’i
- 4-5. dekad
- Uzun yıllar süren nörolojik bulgular, sıklıkla nöbet
- Çoğunlukla serebral hemisferlerde

Oligodendrogliom: Tümör hücreleri yuvarlak oval çekirdekli,
sitoplazmik halo
Damarlar ince
Robbins Basic Pathology
- Benzer dereceli astrositomdan daha iyi prognozlu
- Cerrahi, kemoterapi ve radyoterapi sonrası
- İyi diferansiye (WHO grade II) oligodendrogliomlarda ortalama
sağkalım 10-20 yıl
- Anaplastik (WHO grade III) oligodendrogliomlarda 5-10 yıl
1p ve 19q kromozomların kaybı
1p ve 19q kaybı tipik olarak birlikte olur
1p ve 19q kaybı gösteren tümörlerde kemoterapi ve radyoterapiye cevap
çok daha iyi

İyi diferansiye oligodendrogliomlar(WHO grade II/IV)
- Infiltratif tümörler
- Jelatinöz, gri kitleler
- Kist, fokal kanama ve kalsifikasyon
- Tabakalar halinde regüler hücreler
- Oligodendroglial hücrelere benzer yuvarlak nükleus, ince granüler
görünümde kromatin
- Şeffaf sitoplazmik halo
- İnce anastomoz yapan kapillerler
- Kalsifikasyon
- Tümörlerin %90’ında var
- Mikroskopik ve makroskopik birikimler
- Mitozu genelde tespit etmek zor
Anaplastic oligodendroglioma (WHO grade III/IV)
More aggressive subtype
Higher cell density
Nuclear anaplasia
Mitotic activity
- Oluşum yeri
- Ependim döşeli ventriküler sistem
- Central canal
- İlk iki dekad
- 4. ventrikül
- Bu yaş grubundaki beyin tümörlerinin %5-10’u
- Erişkinler
- Spinal kord en sık oluşum yeri
- Nörofibromatozis tip 2
- Tümüyle çıkarılan supratentoryal ve spinal ependimomların prognozu
posterior fossa tümörlerinden daha iyi
4. ventrikül
Solid veya papiller kitle
Ventrikül tabanından köken alır

- Cells with regular, round to oval nuclei and abundant granular
- Between the nuclei a variably dense fibrillary background
- Round or elongated structures
- rosettes, canals
- resemble the embryologic ependymal canal
- Long, delicate processes extending into a lumen
- Perivascular pseudorosettes
- tumor cells are arranged around vessels with an intervening zone
containing thin ependymal processes
Anaplastic ependymoma
Increased cell density
High mitotic rates
Less evident ependymal differentiation

Robbins Basic Pathology
Neuronal Tümörler
Santral Nörositom
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)
Central neurocytoma
Low-grade neoplasm
Within and adjacent to the ventricular system
Most commonly the lateral or third ventricles
Evenly spaced, round, uniform nuclei
Islands of neuropil
- Manifest with seizures
- Slow-growing
- Mixed tumor
- glial elements
- mature-appearing neurons
- Glial component occasionally becomes anaplastic
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET)
- Low-grade childhood tumor
- Grows slowly
- Relatively good prognosis after resection
- Often manifests as a seizure disorder
- Typically located in the superficial temporal lobe
- Consists of small round neuronal cells
- arranged in columns
- around central cores of processes
- Typically form multiple discrete intracortical nodules
- Well-differentiated “floating” neurons within pools of
mucopolysaccharide-rich myxoid fluid
Embryonal (Primitive) Neoplasms
- Neuroectodermal origin
- Primitive “small round cell” appearance
- reminiscent of normal progenitor cells encountered in the
developing CNS
- Differentiation is often limited
- May progress along multiple lineages
En sık embriyonel tümör
Pediatrik beyin tümörlerinin %20’si
Küçük yuvarlak hücreli malign tümör
- Most common Embryonal (Primitive) Neoplasm
- 20% of pediatric brain tumors
- Cerebellum
- Neuronal and glial markers are nearly always expressed
- Highly malignant
- Prognosis for untreated patients is dismal
- Exquisitely radiosensitive
- Total excision, chemotherapy, and irradiation, the 5-year survival
rate may be as high as 75%
- Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs)
- Tumors of similar histologic type and a poor degree of
differentiation elsewhere in the nervous system

Located in the midline of the cerebellum
Lateral tumors occur more often in adults
Often well circumscribed, gray, and friable
May extend to the surface of the cerebellar folia and involve the
Robbins Basic Pathology

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Extremely cellular
Sheets of anaplastic (small blue) cells
Small, with little cytoplasm
Hyperchromatic nuclei
Abundant mitosis
Robbins Basic Pathology

Focal neuronal differentiation
Homer Wright or neuroblastic rosette
Resembles the rosettes in neuroblastomas
Primitive tumor cells surrounding central neuropil
-delicate pink material formed by neuronal processes
Medulloblastom genetiği
- MYC amplifikasyonu
- WNT sinyal yolağı
- Sonic hedgehog (shh) yolağı
- Klinik gidişle ilişkisi net değil
Genetic of medulloblastoma
- Morphologically similar tumors commonly exhibit distinct
- There is a relationship between the underlying mutations and
- MYC amplification
- associated with poor outcomes
- WNT signaling pathway
- have a more favorable course
- Sonic hedgehog (shh) pathway
- has a critical role in tumorigenesis but an uncertain relationship
to outcome
Primary CNS Lymphoma
- Mostly diffuse large B cell lymphoma
- 2% of extranodal lymphomas
- 1% of intracranial tumors
- Most common CNS neoplasm in immunosuppressed persons
- nearly always positive for the oncogenic Epstein-Barr virus
- Nonimmunosuppressed populations
- age spectrum is relatively wide
- incidence increasing >60 years of age
- Aggressive disease
- relatively poor response to chemotherapy compared with peripheral
Primer SSS lenfoması
Çoğunlukla diffüz büyük B hücreli lenfoma
Primary CNS Lymphoma
- Multiple tumor nodules within the brain parenchyma
- Involvement outside of the CNS is an uncommon late complication
- Lymphoma originating outside the CNS rarely spreads to the brain
- when it happens, within the CSF or involvement of the meninges
- Often involve deep gray structures
- Also white matter and the cortex
- Periventricular spread is common
- Relatively well defined as compared with glial neoplasms
- not as discrete as metastases
- EBV-associated tumors
- extensive areas of necrosis
- Nearly always aggressive large B-cell lymphomas
- rarely other histologic types
- Malignant cells accumulate around blood vessels
- Infiltrate the surrounding brain parenchyma
Primary brain germ cell tumors
- Occur along the midline
- Most commonly in the pineal and the suprasellar regions
- 0.2-1% of brain tumors in European
- 10% of brain tumors in Japanese
- Young
- 90%, during the first 2 decades of life
- Pineal region show a strong male predominance
- Germinoma
- Most common primary CNS germ cell tumor
- resembles testicular seminoma
- Metastatic gonadal germ cell tumors also occur
Araknoid meningotelyal hücre kökenli
Duraya yapışık
- Predominantly benign tumors
- Arise from arachnoid meningothelial cells
- Usually occur in adults
- Often attached to the dura
- Found along any of the external surfaces of the brain
- Within the ventricular system
- arise from the stromal arachnoid cells of the choroid plexus
- Sympotoms
- vague nonlocalizing symptoms
- focal findings compression of adjacent brain
- Most meningiomas are easily separable from underlying brain
- some tumors infiltrate the brain
- increased risk of recurrence
- Overall prognosis
- lesion size and location
- surgical accessibility
- histologic grade
- Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2)
- Multiple meningiomas
- eighth-nerve schwannomas
- glial tumors
- Half of meningiomas not associated with NF2
- acquired loss-of-function mutations in the NF2 TSG on 22q
- Mutations found in all grades of meningioma
- involved with tumor initiation
- Mutations in NF2 are more common in:
- fibroblastic, transitional, and psammomatous growth pattern

WHO grade I/IV
well-defined dura-based masses
compress the brain but do not invade it
Extension into the overlying bone may be present
Robbins Basic Pathology
Parasagittal meningioma

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas
Intraosseous meningioma

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas
Histologic patterns of Meningioma
- Syncytial
- whorled clusters of cells without visible cell membranes that sit
in tight groups
- Fibroblastic
- elongated cells and abundant collagen deposition between them
- Transitional
- shares features of the syncytial and fibroblastic types
- Psammomatous
- Secretory
- gland-like PAS-positive eosinophilic secretions known as
pseudopsammoma bodies

Robbins Basic Pathology
Atypical meningiomas(WHO grade II/IV)
prominent nucleoli
increased cellularity
pattern-less growth
higher mitotic rate
More aggressive local growth
Higher rate of recurrence
Require therapy in addition to surgery
Anaplastic (malignant) meningiomas(WHO grade III/IV)
Highly aggressive tumors
May resemble a high-grade sarcoma or carcinoma
usually some histologic evidence of a meningothelial cell origin
Mostly carcinomas
1/4-1/2 of intracranial tumors
Most common primary sites
Lung, breast, skin (melanoma), kidney, and gastrointestinal tract
Form sharply demarcated masses
Often at the gray-white junction, and elicit edema
The boundary between tumor and brain parenchyma is sharp at the
microscopic level as well, with surrounding reactive gliosis
Direct and localized effects
Metastatic spread of brain tumors to other regions of the body is
Brain is not protected against spread of distant tumors
Carcinomas are the dominant type of systemic tumors that metastasize
to the nervous system

Metastatic melanoma
Metastatic lesions are distinguished grossly from most primary central
nervous system tumors by their multicentricity and well-demarcated
The dark color of the tumor nodules in this specimen is due to the
presence of melanin
Robbins Basic Pathology
Paraneoplastic syndromes
- Subacute cerebellar degeneration
- result in ataxia
- destruction of Purkinje cells, gliosis, and a mild inflammatory
- Limbic encephalitis
- subacute dementia
- perivascular inflammatory cells, microglial nodules, some neuronal
loss, and gliosis, all centered in the medial temporal lobe
- Subacute sensory neuropathy
- altered pain sensation
- loss of sensory neurons from dorsal root ganglia, in association
with inflammation
- Syndrome of rapid-onset psychosis, catatonia, epilepsy, and coma
- associated with ovarian teratoma
- antibodies against the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor
Ailesel tümör sendromları
- Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC)
- von Hippel–Lindau Hastalığı
- Serebellar Hemanjioblastomlar
Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC)
- Autosomal dominant
- Development of hamartomas and benign neoplasms involving the brain
and other tissues
- CNS hamartomas
- cortical tubers
- subependymal hamartomas
- tumefactive form known as subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
- Proximity to the foramen of Monro
- present acutely with obstructive hydrocephalus
- requires surgical intervention and/or therapy with an mTOR
- Seizures
- associated with cortical tubers
- difficult to control with antiepileptic drugs
- Extracerebral lesions
- renal angiomyolipomas
- retinal glial hamartomas
- pulmonary lymphangiomyomatosis
- cardiac rhabdomyomas
- Cysts
- liver, kidneys, and pancreas
- Cutaneous lesions
- angiofibromas, leathery thickenings in localized patches
(shagreen patches), hypopigmented areas (ash leaf patches), and
subungual fibromas
- TSC1
- TSC2
- Two TSC proteins form a dimeric complex
- negatively regulates mTOR, a kinase that “senses” the cell’s
nutrient status and regulates cellular metabolism
- Loss of either protein leads to increased mTOR activity
- Disrupts nutritional signaling and increases cell growth
- Cortical hamartomas
- Firmer than normal cortex
- Likened in appearance to potatoes
- Composed of haphazardly arranged large neurons
- Lack the normal cortical laminar architecture
- Cells exhibit a mixture of glial and neuronal features
- large vesicular nuclei with nucleoli (like neurons)
- abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm (like gemistocytic astrocytes)
- Similar cells are present in the subependymal nodules
von Hippel–Lindau Disease
- Autosomal dominant disorder
- Hemangioblastoma
- cerebellar hemispheres, retina, and, less commonly, the brain
stem, spinal cord, and nerve roots
- Cysts
- pancreas, liver, and kidneys
- Renal cell carcinoma
- Frequency is 1/30,000-40,000
- Therapy is directed at the symptomatic neoplasms
- surgical resection of cerebellar tumors and laser ablation of
retinal tumors
- Tumor suppressor VHL
- Encodes a protein that is part of a ubiquitin-ligase complex
- Targets the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) for
- Lost all VHL protein function
- Express high levels of HIF
- Expression of VEGF, various growth factors
- Expression of erythropoietin
- paraneoplastic polycythemia
- Cerebellar capillary hemangioblastoma
- Highly vascular neoplasm
- Mural nodule
- Large, fluid-filled cyst
- Numerous capillary-sized or somewhat larger thin-walled vessels
- Intervening stromal cells with vacuolated, lightly PAS-positive,
lipid-rich cytoplasm

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas

Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas
Distribution of CNS Tumors

**A pilocytic astrocytoma of the cerebellum in a child. **

Glioma of the brainstem – pilocytic astrocytoma
GBM. Note the prominent vascularity as well as the area of necrosis at the left with neoplastic cells palisading around it (pseudopalisading necrosis*).

Here is an ependymoma arising from the ependymal lining of the fourth ventricle above the brainstem and bulging toward the cerebellum.

This horizontal (CT scan) section of the brain reveals a large ependymoma of the fourth ventricle.

Irregular posterior fossa mass (medulloblastoma) - near the midline of the cerebellum and extending into the fourth ventricle above the brainstem