All functions |
ClinicoPath: Analysis for Clinicopathological Research |
Age Pyramid |
Age Pyramid |
Interrater Reliability |
Interrater Reliability Analysis |
Alluvial Diagrams |
Alluvial Plot |
Benford Analysis |
Checking data |
Title |
Confidence interval for a mean |
Decision tree |
Comparing Survival Outcomes |
Overall, Cause Specific, and Competing Survival |
Competing Survival Analysis |
Contingency Tables |
Paired Samples Contingency Tables |
Correlation |
Correlation Analysis |
Cross Tables |
Cross Table |
Medical Decision |
Decision 2 for using init |
Medical Decision Making |
Medical Decision Calculator |
Decision Calculator |
Dendogram |
Tables via gtsummary |
Tables via gtsummary |
histopathology |
ICC coefficients |
Interclass Correlation Coefficient Also see |
Bar Charts |
Bar Charts |
Bar Charts |
Bar Charts |
Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups |
Violin Plots to Compare Between Groups |
Correlation Matrix |
Correlation Matrix |
Dot Chart |
Dot Chart |
Histogram |
Histogram |
Pie Charts |
Pie Charts |
Scatter Plot |
Scatter Plot |
jjstatsplot Wrapper for ggstatsplot |
Violin Plots to Compare Within Groups |
Violin Plots to Compare Within Groups for Wide Data Format |
Violin Plots to Compare Within Group for Wide Data Format |
Violin Plots to Compare Repeated Measurements for Continuous Variables |
Violin Plots to Compare Within Group for Wide Data Format 3 |
Violin Plots to Compare Within Group |
Violin Plot |
Violin Plot |
Line Chart |
Lollipop Chart |
Multivariable Survival Analysis |
Multivariable Survival Analysis |
Nomogram |
Odds Ratio Table and Plot |
Odds Ratio Table and Plot |
One Survival Outcome |
Pairwise Chi-Square Test |
Title |
Parallel Plot |
Positive Predictive Value |
Summary of Categorical Variables |
Summary of Categorical Variables |
Find Retracted Papers from DOI |
Find Retracted Papers from DOI |
ROC Analysis |
rocdata |
Graphs and Plots |
Plots and Graphs Based on Variable Types |
Summary of Continuous Variables |
Summary of Continuous Variables |
Survival Analysis |
Survival Analysis |
Survival Analysis for Continuous Variable |
Survival Analysis for Continuous Explanatory Variable |
Table One |
Table One |
Time Interval |
Tools for data summary |
Tools for data summary |
Decision Tree |
Decision Tree |
Variable Tree |
Variable Tree |
Venn Diagram |
Venn Diagram |